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Mission Statement

Bring Back much needed Solidarity of Sister and Brotherhood.

  1. Bring Back accountability of all staff members. Staff job is to serve the members. 
  2. Provide State Certified Agents with field experience in every possible classification.
  3. Agents that will answer and return phone calls same day and daily jobsite visits.
  4. Establish a hotline number to call day or night. 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  5. No more ignoring our Brothers and Sisters at Civil Service, Sound and Com, EAA, RR, Residential,Transportation, Manufacturing, CE/CW’s, and Apprentices in ALL Classifications. Give a voice to each and every member.
  6. Bring back and promote a culture of Trust, Fraternity, and Transparency for ALL.
  7. Bring back Unionism.
  8. Establish realistic Apprentice and CW Councils so that they can stay involved with the things that affect them most.
  9. Evaluate and enforce Apprentice rotations when needed.
  10. To enforce Apprentice and CW/CE on-the-job ratios, and mentor and listen to their concerns and needs.
  11. Not allow contractors to dictate who our Job Stewards are, and/or, to not allow them to be laid off or fired without just cause.
  12. Accountability for the ETI. Support for our Instructors.
  13. Enforce contractor obligation to provide potable water and proper agreed-upon PPE to all employees working under our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  14. Ensure your protected concerted rights to free speech.


The mission is to educate members on history of IBEW and our local.

Teach and share Brotherhood with all members. Bring Back: Unity, Fraternity and Accountability.


Work to improve representation for members. Improve classes and training at ETI. Support the instructors. Total transparency. Allocation meetings to inform members of status of pension and medical benefits. Employ the best member as agents and organizers. Start a mentorship program for those who want to run for office in the future. Respected by contractors and members as being true and loyal.

I am running for Business Manager to serve our members and not be served. I am honest, a Brother with integrity and the passion to make things better for our members and their families future.


Whether you are with us, or against us, you have a right to have your voices heard and cannot be asked/told to remove support stickers or clothing related to this or any of our Local Union elections that are not in agreement with the views of anyone else. (as long as it is not distasteful)


Working together we will grow stronger. We are Family, and we will take care of you like Family.


Nominations are on Thursday April 18th and Ballots are sent out on May 13th.

Election Date is June 1st! Make sure that your dues are current and that you have your correct mailing address on file with the local so that you can support the movement to Bring it Back.

Only you have the power to demand change. Let your voice be heard. This is about the future of your local. Don’t be left out!

Together We Are Stronger